Christmas and New Year
Message from our president Dierk Lüthi:
Dear Committee Members!
Liebe Schützenkameraden!
Dear Shooting Comrades!
Wishing all of you a very peaceful and relaxing festive season, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024!
Towards the end of 2024 we will be celebrating our 75th Anniversary as the oldest private shooting club in Cape Town (There are older associations, but they were part of the Defence Force and Navy in the olden days).
In February we welcome visitors from abroad (Burri and his small-bore friends), in May it is the traditional and popular ‹Piggy Shoot›, we’ll be challenging the Navy team in May and October, there’s the Feldschiessen and Obligatory ‹Bundesprogramm› and other competitions to look forward to.
So, for 2024, “Guet Schuss!” & ‘Yours in Shooting!’