President Mettler Memorial Cup Knock-out Competition 2023 – 21 January!
Knock-out Cup – Summary
A keen group of shooters met this morning at 10am for the traditional ‹Cup›. It was a nice surprise that even the Consul General of Switzerland, Markus Thür and his wife, registered for the competition. We saw some good shooting thru-out the competition. Markus got far but had some bad luck with one ‹off-shot› so that our Club president Dierk made it to the semi-final. Paul Schweizer had a rough start with his new shooting glasses but once he sorted this out he improved in every round and won an interesting final by one point. Stefan – who shot with Paul’s riffle was in the end put to 2nd place. Congratulations to all the shooters and the winner Paul.

Liebe Schützenkameraden!
Dear Shooting Comrades!
Ich wünsche allen ein gutes 2023 mit vielen Treffern!
Wishing you all a good 2023 with many ‹Bull’s Eyes!›
President Mettler Memorial Cup Knock-Out Competition
Saturday 21 January 10h00 KLAWER Navy Range
Please advise attendance by replying asap to Dierk Lüthi (Latest by Wednesday 18 Jan 2023/2000)