What programs do SRC members shoot?
The SRC Cape Town officially participates in various Swiss based shooting programs. The club records and submits these official program result for all members to Switzerland for them to be adjudicated and verified. There are numerous awards, certificates or medals that various programs offer as recognition to the members in relation to their scores. These medals and certificates are issued in Switzerland and brought over to South Africa where the club distributes to the members at the annual prize giving.
So what are these programs?
Here is a list of the most popular and participated in official Swiss Shooting programs:
Feldschiessen (Veld Shooting)
Obligatorish (Obligatory)
Grauholz (Greywood)
Schweizerische Sektions Mesiterschaft aka SSM (Swiss Sections Championship)
Einzelwettscheissen aka EWS (Single discipline Shooting)
All the above programs are shot from the 300 Meter mark from the targets
Over and above the Official Shoots we participate in we also have some Club championships not only between the members of the Cape Town club but also against the Swiss Rifle Clubs in Johannesburg and Durban.
The club programs are administered locally by the club and some of the competitions are:
Presidents Mettler Cup Metzger Stich
Freddy Schweizer Inter Town
Willy Wyman Piggy Shoot
Bench Rest
The Piggy shoot is the clubs annual fun family shooting day. Here we use the old K31 rifles chambered in .22LR. The .22LR is a very small round and has virtually no recoil. For this reason, children can shoot this round without being scared off by a strong and unpleasant recoil. The shoot is very popular and there are normally many prizes in the form of Traditional Swiss Sausages and Ham’s.
All the programs above have various different shooting sequences, distances, and time frames to complete the program. These are best learnt on the range. There are always members available to explain how to shoot the different programs on the range. There is always a “scorer” at each shooting position who writes down the scores of the shooter. These members normally know how to adjust sights and how the programs are to be shot.