What weapons do the SRC members shoot?
We currently mainly run three different types of rifles. These are as follows:
Carbine K31 (1931) – Chambered in GP 11 – 7.5 x 55mm (Wooden Stock Rifle – Single Bolt Action)

SIG 510-0 aka “Sturmgewehr” aka StG57 – Chambered in GP 11 – 7.5 x 55mm (Black Metal/Plastic Semi Automatic Rifle)

SIG 550 aka “Sturmgewehr 90“ – Chambered in the 5.6mm Swiss GP-90 round (Green Metal/Polymer Semi Automatic Rifle with a folding stock) Identical to the 5.56mm NATO

7.5 x 55mm GP-11 Ammumition

5.6 x 45mm GP-90 ammunition

Now you know what Rifles and ammo the members of the SRC Cape Town club shoot.